Rabu, 11 Juli 2012



Hiqma Nur Agustina


Detective short story is a part of literature works which are liked by the readers nowadays. As a form of literature works, detective short story reveals the curiosity, tense, and suspicious feeling to guess who the criminal character is at the end of the story. The strength of the writer in revealing the complicated and marvelous story and sometimes followed by unpredictable story made this detective short story has a lot of loyal fans. This writing took Terpincuk Mutiara as the object of the research to reveal some aspects of detective story criteria. Then, we can know whether the main aspects of this detective story which are criminal character, victim character and detective character are really existed in the story. To describe the main aspects of the story, the writer uses structural method while Barthes’ theory about syntagmatic and paradigmatic unsure are used to analyze it and Todorov’s theory about detective story is also used. 

Key words: roman a enigma, roman noir, roman a suspense, syntagmatik, paradigmatic

Detective short story is one of the popular and conventional forms of stories. As a conventional story, it has some specific norms seen in the story structures. It also tells about an investigation of criminal action involving the detective character, witness characters, and revealed by the criminal action at the ending. The revelation of criminal action done by the detective characters step by step through a rational investigation method and sometimes can be scientific method.
Actually detective short story arose in the nineteenth century, but it just became popular in the next century. The most popular era was in 1920-1940. Even most people like to read detective story, but not all the countries can produce this genre. Some countries are famous in producing this story, such as Britain, French and America. Each country produced with the different style. As the flash description, the style of Britain focused on the mystery aspects, meanwhile the style of French is more on psychology aspects and the relationship among the characters. In America, the detective story tends to focus on action and violence aspects. (Boileau-Narcejac, 1964).
            The research on literary work can be done by researching it from the genre aspects or the kind of literature itself. The way of the research seen from the kind of literature is putting the story into a group of specific literature. In this case, the most important thing is the application of the existing norms which are in the specific kind into the story not the value of the literature.
In his article “les genres litteraires”, Todorov saw in every literary work in connecting with other literary work, there are two important matters, the same unsure and the unsure which are deviant from the same unsure. The tendency to deviant caused by the dynamic characters of the literary work. Although those two different aspects always arose in the every literary work but still they have different degree. One stresses on the obedience toward convention and others stressed on the deviation of convention. (Todorov: 1970).
Based on those aspects, Todorov presented two groups to differentiate it. First, it is literature de masse or popular literature. This type focused on the obedience toward convention which is about routine work while the second is literature d ‘exemplaire unique or single literature. This kind of literary work focused on the deviant of convention. (Todorov: 1970).
The research on literary work from the kind aspect can be done to literary works which followed certain style, for instance the popular literary work spionase story and fantastic story.
I. 1. 1. Terpincuk Mutiara by Mignon G. Eberhart
            Terpincuk Mutiara told about suicide done by a secretary of vice president of a bank known the lost pearls of loyal customer who has died. In fact, inside her “common” suicide open the truth, that is the real murderer of the victim. A detective character in this short story act as her boss could reveal the truth about the murderer and the motif of the criminal.
            The presentation of the story give impression as a detective story a enigma, it because there are some unsure of this kind of detective story, such as murderer and certain analysis to expose or disclose the criminal motif which became the mystery.
I. 2 Data Source
            Data source of the analysis is a short story written by Mignon G. Eberhart with the title Terpincuk Mutiara. It is published in monthly magazine Intisari, August edition 1990 No. 325 XXXVII.
I. 3. Problem formulation
            Is Terpincuk Mutiara included a detective story of a enigma, roman noir or a suspense in related with the norm?
I. 4 Theory Base
            The method used in the analysis is structural method. In basic, this method focused on structural concept that is every unsure in a literary work always functional, connecting and forming a total unity. Meanwhile, the theory will be applied in this analysis is Barthes theory about syntagmatic and paradigmatic unsure, and from Todorov is theory about detective story.
1. 4. 1. Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Unsure
            Barthes differentiates two groups of unsure in the narrative work based on syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationship.
            Syntagmatic unsure is the unsure which arise step by step in one linier chronology. Syntagmatic relationship is also in the events for both in forming the main function named core event or in the events which have function to fulfill or support the main function named catalisator.
            Paradigmatic unsure is a spread unsure and has choosing characteristic. This unsure is not bounded on the causal relationship, but it just bounded the completing concept. Paradigmatic unsure consists of the adverb of characteristic, identity, thought and the character’s feeling named index, and the setting of place and time named informan. (Barthes: 1966).
1. 4. 2. Detective story of Todorov
            Todorov saw in the development of the history, there are three kinds of detective stories, they are a enigma, roman noir and a suspense. The detective story a enigma is the oldest type stressed on puzzle factors. It is because there is not information about the murderer, the reason and how to murder it. Roman noir stressed the suspense because the detective character in this story always threatened by danger in disclosing the criminal. It is also fulfilled by the description of cruel and hard actions. The detective story of a suspense is the last type stressed both the puzzle factors and the suspense (Todorov in Puitika: 1995).
            To clarify more about Todorov theory, it will be explained the norms of the sub-kind of the detective story in this part.
(1) Roman a enigma (Puzzle Detective Story)
            Roman a enigma is a sub-detective story stressing in puzzling discursive factors, that is the certain unsure which coincidence revealed to the readers and it arose the mystery. Those unsure are the criminal actors, motivation and how the criminals done.
            In the basic story of puzzling detective story or roman a enigma is duality. These dualities guide us to analyze it. Another characteristic is the multiple chronological stories: the first story is the criminal story and the second is the tracing story. In the pure style, those stories do not have the meeting point. (Todorov in Puitika: 4). 
            The criminal story is the main story which goes to the readers spread in additional information forms used for clue to investigate the criminal mystery. This story is ended when the investigation or tracing act began. The second story is the subordinate and present as the mediator to reveal the first story. The characters in the second story or the investigation can act. They only learn. Nothing can attack them, and it becomes one of the norms of detective story a enigma that the detective character does not threaten. This puzzling story tends to have the complicated architecture purely in geometric characteristic.  It will be explain clearly in this scheme:

Explanation of the scheme:
            The first story is described with severed lines reflected the criminal story that is still mysterious and does not reveal to the readers directly. The second story is described with the continuous lines that is investigating story and present to the readers directly.
In the puzzling story stated two stories, the one is not present in the real way but the other is present but not too important. The presence and absence explain the existence of them in the continuity of story. The first is the artificial fulfilled with many convention and literary formalities (it just refers to the aspect of “subject” of the story) need the further explanation from the writer. Here, those formalities consist of two types that must be given attention, they are temporal returning and the special point of views: the content was determined by the doer, because there is no investigation without tracing.
The presentation of detective story a enigma move from cause to effect and use the flash back technical. In the second story or investigation story, there is the investigator or detective character which has duty to search the information. To break the source of criminal rationally and objective, also cannot forget the summary of the psychology of the characters. Besides, in roman a enigma does not reveal about love relationship and the detective character always free from any kinds of danger, being attacked, hurt or even murdered by the criminal character. There also some other characters such as criminal character, victim character, witness character and suspect character in the story.
2) Roman Noir (Black Roman)
            Roman noir is a detective story which melting the two stories or in other word abolish the first story and revive the second one. The story was revealed together and binding one to another or having connectivity. There is not any roman noir which revealing in a form of a memoir or recording of events. It means that there is not stopping point where the speaker tries to catch a past event, moreover the readers also do not know whether the detective is still alive or not in the end of the story. Prospective substitutes for retrospection (Todorov in Puitika: 7). 
            Roman noir is a sub-type of detective story which stressing on suspense and sadistic factors. It can be stated like this because this type of story show the violence action much, immoral and brutal actions and love with full of lust and rudeness, and it does not exist in roman a enigma.
            Another difference from the previous story is there is only one story in roman noir stressing on investigating story or the process of catching the criminal character. Besides, in roman noir, even there is not mystery but still attract the readers to feel confuse about the plot. The story move from cause to effect with the tight plot so the suspense still maintaining, the detective character threatened by the danger continuously. The scheme of roman noir was described as follows: 

The explanation of the scheme:
            In the scheme of roman noir, there is not severed line because of the mysterious factor in its norms. The plot of criminal story signed by the thick line while the thin line is signed the plot of investigating story. Those plots happen simultaneously where one to another placed parallel. The small circles in the scheme is used to sign the events happened in each plot while the big circles is used to sign the events involving both the criminal and the investigator character.
            In roman noir, there is not story which unpredictable and not mysterious like in roman a enigma. However, the readers’ interests are still extraordinary and in this part we just realize there are two interest that totally different. The first named curiosite: the story moves from cause to effect, that is starting from one effect (dead body or some clues) must be found the causes (the guilty people and support to do the crime).
            Like also in roman a enigma, roman noir also has detective, victim, witness and suspect character which being suspected as the criminal and also the criminal character. The difference is, the detective character in roman noir is vulnerable, because he must face the payment murderer. And the additional is there is description about the common culture of the setting taken place in the story.
3) Roman a suspense
            Roman a suspense is a sub-type of detective story which emerge after the glorious of roman noir ended. In roman a suspense, there are characteristics of roman a enigma and roman noir until roman a suspense often said as in between form of those stories.
            In the historical background, the detective story appear in two moments, they are becoming the transition between puzzling roman and roman noir, they also present in the same time with roman noir. At those periods also emerge two sub-type of roman a suspense, the first named “the detective story threatened by danger” and it was represented by Hamlet and Chandler stories. The main characteristic is the detective character lost his invulnerability, he can be punched, injured, and threatened physically continuously. In short word, he is being integrated in other characters’ world, and does not become the observer like the readers. Those stories usually grouped as black noir, it is because describe the certain milieu (the environment or place) but the arrangement tends to be roman a suspense.
            On contrary of the second motif, roman a suspense precisely release from the conventional milieu of the professional criminal, and back to individual crime in the puzzling detective story even it must adapt to the new structure. As the result, a roman called “a suspect detective story” emerged. In this matter, a crime happened on the first pages and the police suspicious went to a character, a main character. To prove that he is not guilty, this character must find the real criminal by himself even he must pawn his soul. It can be stated that in this type of detective story, the character is also the detective character, the guilty character (in the police’s point of view) and the victim (the potential character of the real criminal) (Todorov in Puitica: 12).
            Like in roman a enigma, there is a double story in roman a suspense, they are criminal story which is a mysterious story and the investigation story. But, in roman a suspense, the investigation story is not only the expose of the criminal story, but it is stronger on the story itself. The detective character in roman a suspense focuses on his role in wrecking the criminal case. On the investigating story, the crime is still happening and the detective character is on the dangers situation continuously. The scheme of roman a suspense described as following:

Explanation of the scheme:
The straight line sign the investigating plot and the severed line sign the crime plot which become the mystery and it does not connect to the readers indirectly. Those plots happened simultaneously, because the plot of criminal described linier with the investigating plot. The small circles in the scheme signs the events happening in each plot, while the big circles signs the even that involving the character both in the plot of investigation nor the plot of crime story.
II. I. Analysis of Syntagmatic in Terpincuk Mutiara
            In this part, the writer will analyze the series of events in the short story Terpincuk Mutiara by arranging the chronology of the stories or based on the technique.
The Chronology of the stories of Terpincuk Mutiara
1. The story of Frances Dune about Wagstaff pearls toward phone to James Wickwire at midnight.
2. The voice of falling thing and long and terrible scream heard by Mr. Wickwire on the phone.
3. The voice of Muriel Evans which was trying to contact the police on the phone that was not close by Frances Dune heard by Mr. Wickwire. Miss Evan was in Miss Dune apartment when she was suicide by jumping out of the window on the ninth floor.
4. The arrival of Mr. Wickwire in Miss Francess Dune’s apartment with his hunches on his mind about the cause of Frances Dune suicide.
5. The description of Mr. James Wickwire is as a middle age man which has strong and sturdy body and sympathetic.
6. The description of Mrs. Wagstaff as an old and rich woman and she has many pearls called as Wagstaff pearls.
7. The problem of Mrs. Wagstaff pearls is they must be out and worn by a woman all day long twice in a year.
8. Twice in a year a woman employee sent to the saving valuable room to wear the pearls by turns.
9. Mr. Wickwire’s memory is the last meeting with Mrs. Wagstaff.
    9. 1. Mrs. Wagstaff asked Mr. Wickwire to assign his woman employee to wear her
    9. 2. Mr. Wagstaff memory for her husband words that only a woman who really
            loves pearl. “The beauty needs the beauty, too”. A woman sometimes does
            ridiculous act for jewelry like these.
10. Mr. Wickwire memory is about the previous event before Frances Dune suicide in his office.
       10. 1. Miss Dune’s turn to wear Mrs. Wagstaff peals.
       10. 2. The description of Frances Dune is as a young and beautiful woman likes
                 to wear jewelry and make up.
       10. 3. Mr. Wickwire’s message to Miss Dune to hand over the pearl when the office
                 is closed to Mr. Wazey, the manager of the valuable saving room. 
11. The guess of Mr. Wickwire for Miss Dune’s death.
12. The difference of the pearl price when Mrs. Wagstaff got from his husband and the price of the pearls in the market now.
13. The arrival of Mr. Wickwire in Frances Dune’s apartment.
14. Mr. Wickwire was asked to recognize Miss Dune’s corpse.
15. The description of Francess Dune apartment on the ninth floor which is small, has a bedroom and sitting room in one place, a small and tidy kitchen and everything is clean and simple. There are not luxurious things there.
16. The description of Muriel Evans physically; she is slim and wearing grey cloth, matching between the lipstick and nail painting but she looks sit in tense style on her chair. 
17. The explanation of Miss Evans about her arrival on Frances Dunes apartment to the police and Mr. Wickwire is because of Frances Dune request on 11 pm.
18. Mr. Wickwire short explanation about the source of Mrs. Wagstaff pearl to the police.
19. Miss Evans’ explanation about what she has done while Miss Dune was calling with Mr. Wickwire.
20. The police lieutenant question toward Mrs. Wagstaff pearl to Miss Evans.
21. The unknown which is interlude of surprise Miss Evans on the existence of the pearl.
22. Miss Evans’ objection is to the police lieutenant if she was not the murder of Miss Dune.
23. Mr. Wickwire departure and Mr. Wazey goes to the bank.
24. The shock of Mr. Wickwire when he knew the pearl in the valuable saving room are the imitation cheap pearl.
25. The afraid of Mr. Wazey after knowing the pearl are not the pure one.
26. Mr. Wickwire’s hunch that the stealing action not from the sudden impulse but the planning crime.
27. Mr. Wickwire asked the list of women employee which ever wearing Wagstaff pearl to Mr. Wazey
28. Mr. Wickwire went back to Miss Dune apartment (after less than one hour leaving to go to the bank).
29. The police checked all parts of that small apartment and Mr. Wickwire reminded of Mrs. Wagstaff’s words suddenly. 
30. Mr. Wickwire permitted to the police to go back to his house and asked Miss Evans going with him.
31. Mr. Wickwire asked the questions to Miss Evans and took the revolver out from the drawer.
32. Mr. Wickwire surprise and also the evidence are the questions about Wagstaff pearl kept by Miss Evans.
33. Miss Dunes was the last person wearing Wagstaff pearl knowing the pearl necklace was imitation so she asked Miss Evans to return to her apartment at that night.
34. Miss Evans took the revolver and tried to shoot Mr. Wickwire because Mr. Wickwire knew her trick.
35. The police arrival to Mr. Wickwire house after hearing the missed shoot.
36. Miss Evans could be caught by the police successfully.
37. Mr. Wickwire’s trick open his door house so the police can enter when he trapping Miss Evans to admit her action.
38. The police lieutenant’s compliment that Mr. Wickwire is a genuine detective but he denied it; according to him the real detective is Mrs. Wagstaff.
            From the chronological of the story seen the short story Terpincuk Mutiara has two stories, they are crime story which are mystery and the investigating story. And those stories happened simultaneously and related one to another.
II. 2. Analysis of Paradigmatic Relationship in Terpincuk Mutiara
            In this paradigmatic analysis, it will be discussed the information about the identity, role and characters. Remembering the issue will be analyzed in this paper is a detective short story so the characters involved are a few. It will be different with the detective novel which involved many characters and their characteristics. The characters talked are the prominent in the syntagmatic analysis, they are James Wickwire, Mrs. Wagstaff, Frances Dune, Muriel Evans and Wazey.
            Relating with the whole story, the role of every character is different. There are some characters grouped as supporting characters. Stanton (1965: 17) stated that every story has a central character, a character which related with every event in the story. Stated more clearly, Nurgiyantoro (2000: 176) explained that central character or main character is a character whose has superiority in the story.
            Seen from the performance function, the characters can be differentiated into protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist character is an embodiment of norms and ideal values for us (Altenbern & Levis via Nurgiyantoro, 2000: 178). Protagonist character reveals something which is fixed with the reader opinion and hopes. In other side, the character who emerged the conflict named antagonist. Antagonist characters opposite with protagonist character both in direct or indirect, inner self or the outer world. If there are two opposite characters, the character given opportunities to state the vision will get greater sympathy and attention from the readers, and they are called as protagonist character (Luxemburg, dkk. Via Nurgiyantoro, 2000: 178-180).           
II. 3. Character Analysis in Terpincuk Mutiara
1. James Wickwire
            James Wickwire is a banker, single old man and become a vice president in his working place. He got trust to maintain the widow wealth. (Intisari, 1990: 79). Mr. Wickwire character has a good position at the bank, smart, respected by employees, and has enough role based on his capacity as the vice president of a bank. Mr. Wickwire is also a detective character who is able to solve the mystery and also held the investigation toward the murder of his private secretary, Frances Dune.
As a detective character, Mr. Wickwire is a main or central character; he always connects with every event in the story. From the beginning until the end, Mr. Wickwire always being told many times and arose in every event. It can be seen in the chronological order of the story; they are number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37 and 38.
            From the frequency of the appearance Mr. Wickwire could be summarized that besides having role as the main character which became the detective character, he also has role as the protagonist character related with the appearance function.
2. Mrs. Wagstaff
            Mrs. Wagstaff is a wealth widow who has died twelve years ago. He inherited her wealth to some under-ages inheritances that must wait for some periods to have the total inheritance. Among the inheritances, Wagstaff pearl are the famous one. Mrs. Wagstaff asked the bank at least twice in a year, the pearl must be worn by a woman; especially the pearl must be adhered to the woman’s skin. According to Mrs. Wagstaff, the real pearl will lost its light if it never touched by human body.
            The role of Mrs. Wagstaff in this story is as the supporting protagonist character. Her appearance is not too often in the story. She becomes the complement especially she just told has passed away twelve years ago when the main event the mystery of the loosing pearl and the death of Frances Dune happened. It just from the main clue that she has stated before to the detective character, Mr. Wickwire, before she died became the tool to open the mystery of murder: “The beauty needs the beauty too”. A beautiful woman sometimes does determined for jewelry, these pearl … (Intisari, 1990: 87).   
3. Frances Dune
            Frances Dune is James Wickwire secretary which has worked for ten years. She was described as a tall woman, forties, not beautiful, but she is very neat, efficient, over thorough, and talkative. She is included the important person at the bank because of her position as the secretary of bank vice president. She is the last woman employee wearing Wagstaff pearl. (Intisari: 1990: 80).
            Frances Dune role in the story is as the victim character. The victim character which died became the mystery and tried to be covered up by the detective character, Mr. Wickwire. Her prudent and thorough is really fit with her character and made her could differentiate between the real and the imitation one. As the result, Frances Dune became the victim of the murderer which never guessed her action could be revealed Muriel Evans.

4. Muriel Evans
            Muriel Evans is also a woman employee at the bank where Frances Dune worked. She is taking accounting division. Miss Evans was described as a slim and beautiful woman, matching in making the appearance. Miss Evans lives two blocks from Miss Dune apartment (Intisari, 1980: 81).
            The role of Muriel Evans is as the criminal character; she is the single criminal character in the story. She stole the Wagstaff pearl and also exchange with the imitation pearl. After the victim character knew her terrible trick, she killed by seeking an excuse that the victim character was suicide by her own desire.  
            When we see the function in the story, Muriel Evans is categorized as the antagonist character, the character which became the source of conflict. She opposites with the other protagonist characters in the story. She has desire to have Wagstaff pearl and emerged the conflict with the bank especially Mr. Wickwire as the responsible person who must in charge with those pearl and also with Frances Dune as the last person got turn wearing Wagstaff pearl and knew that the pearl are the imitation one.
5. Wazey
            Wazey is the bank employee who has position as the valuable deposit room manager. He is the responsible person taking the box deposit key at the bank. In this story, Wazey has a secondary role and not too important influencing the story. 
            As the protagonist supporting character, Mr. Wazey just emerged in some chances in the story. It can be seen in the chronology of the story, they are in number 25 and 27.
II. 4. Background Analysis
II. 4. 1. Background of Space
            Beside the analysis of character, the paradigmatic unsure also discuss the backround. The background unsure was differentiated into two main unsure, place and time. These each unsure offered different problem and discussed separately. In fact, each of them connected and influenced one to another. The background of place is related with the area of event that happened in a fiction work. 
            The background of the place in Terpincuk Mutiara took three places. The first is the apartment where Frances Dune was suspected killed by herself but she was murdered at the end, the second is the bank where the Wagstaff pearl kept and the third is James Wickwire’s house as the last place where the thief and the murder of Frances Dune, Muriel Evans was trapped and caught by the police.  
            Dari ketiga keterangan tempat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa latar tempatnya adalah ruang tertutup dan tidak berada di ruang terbuka.
            From those three background of places can be summarized that the background of place is the closed space.
II. 4. 2. Background of time
            The background of time related with the events told in the fiction works happened. The background of time in this story is not too much and simple. Simple is because it is only a detective short story with eight pages which is different with the common background of the detective novel. The dominant time background which emerged in this short story is in the night started with the arrival of Muriel Evans to Frances Dune apartment around 11 pm (the chronology of story number 19) before she found killed, then when the telephone rang at Mr. Wickwire’s house as the detective character and the main character in the story at midnight, 12 pm (the chronology of story number 1). It was ended by the caught of Muriel Evans as the crime character in Mr. Wickwire house after some hours of Frances Dune’s murderer. But, it is not so certain about the time, it just informed about Mr. Wickwire which was left the apartment to check Wagstaff pearl with Mr. Wazey is less than an hour (the chronology of story number 29). Then, it continued with Mr. Wickwire effort to ask Muriel Evans going to his house (the chronology of story number 31) until the last story, the caught of the single crime actor in this story. There is not a certain time when the story is ended.
III. Summary
            Syntagmatic analysis proved that Terpincuk Mutiara consists of two stories. The first story is the suicide act done by Frances Dune was not the common suicide but it has another supporting motif. It can be sameness with the crime story in the detective a enigma. The story just revealed in the second story step by step or through mindset processing, searching the evidence and relating the facts done by James Wickwire. The last story can be sameness with the investigating story. The investigating story should consists of supporting story, has equal position with the crime story because it also form the main plot.
            Besides having two stories, this short story also has mystery unsure about who become the criminal character did the crime toward the victim character. The solution of the mystery has purpose to find whose stolen the pearl necklace or called Wagstaff pearl and also do the killing to the victim character which known the secret of stolen.
            In paradigmatic analysis, this short story also performs detective character, crime character and victim character. As the detective character, James Wickwire tried to solve the mystery by doing the investigation and trying summarizes the chain eye which became the mystery in the short story. The one that is also important is to expose who the real killer does. Fixed with the puzzling detective short story or a enigma is the detective character described as a genius, has important role and was not in danger. Meanwhile, the victim character is Frances Dune that became the victim of crime act by the crime character Muriel Evans which is afraid her action known by someone else. In order hiding her stealing act and killed Miss Dune, she decided to kill her.
            The crime character is not the professional type. She is only an employee of a bank who tempted owning the pearl necklace which belongs to the bank customer where she worked, the muder motif is personal and done individually. From the detective character, he is not in danger situation while in the story side the investigating story is done by the detective character is more important. The investigating story is more dominant comparing with the act and the crime story is ended by revealing the actor of crime (not the death).
            The unsure like the crime act, motivation and the method of the crime was seen in this short story. Beside that, there is not love problem which become the background of the crime but there is another motif. 
            As the closing of this paper, from the analysis can be summarized that Terpincuk Mutiara categorized as detective story a enigma which has same characteristics with roman a enigma norm. All criteria mentioned above made Terpincuk Mutiara can be categorized as roman a enigma or puzzling detective story.
Main Source:
Intisari, Majalah. Agustus 1990. Cerita detektif “Terpincuk Mutiara”. No. 325. Tahun XXVII.

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